Do you need to take daily supplements?

In my opinion, yes! That being said – I believe that we should always aim to eat a nutrient dense diet first and then use supplements to fill in the gaps. In order to feel our best, we need to have optimal levels of nutrients, not just enough to prevent deficiencies. Also I want to note that this is purely a recommendation and you should talk with your doctor before starting any supplements! Everyone is different and in turn will need support with different things, these are just supplements that I think generally are needed!

There are so many factors, both dietary and environmental that create the need for daily supplements such as:
  • The standard American diet

  • Mineral & nutrient loss

  • Soil depletion (The quality of vitamins and minerals in the soil have been gradually degraded over hundreds of years – due to modern farming, meaning that less and less of these vital micro-nutrients are making their way into the food we eat. Think about this – to get the same amount of vitamin A from an orange as our grandparents would have done, we would need to eat eight oranges today.)

  • Stress & environmental toxins

  • Medications

  • Phases of life

  • Individual health

  • Food preferences or intolerances

Here’s what I recommend:


Multivitamin or Prenatal

When it comes to choosing a multivitamin or prenatal, it should include vitamin A, folate, B vitamins including vitamin B6 and B12, vitamin D3, chromium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and selenium. I recommend choosing a whole-food fermented supplement. This means that the nutrients come from food sources not just synthetic. Always look for high quality supplements – its a plus if they are third party tested as well.


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for keeping the heart and brain healthy and also reducing inflammation. We need omega fatty acids for maintaining healthy hair and skin, elevating our mood, nourishing the brain, and reducing inflammation in the body. Ideally you want to get a 1:1 ratio of omega-3s to omega-6s in your diet. Standard American diets tend to be high in vegetable oils which create a range from 12:1 to 25:1 ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s. Omega 6s are fatty acids that in high quantities can cause inflammation in the body, adding in Omega 3s can help balance it out.


Probiotics are made up of good bacteria and are key in supporting your microbiome. Having a healthy microbiome is important when it comes to gut health and beyond. Probiotics work by interacting with the local immune cells, gut cells, dietary nutrients, and resident bacteria in your colon. Probiotics have been shown to improve digestion, strengthen our immune system, and aid in the absorption of some nutrients. I love Seed Daily Synbiotic because it includes both probiotics (beneficial bacteria that colonize the GI tract with optimal amounts and types of bacteria to protect against inflammation and support immunity and healthy digestive function) and prebiotics (A form of soluble fiber that helps feed the good bugs in your gut.)

Magnesium (~320 mg/day. Look for Magnesium Citrate, Glycinate, Taurate, or Aspartate – they are the most absorbable forms. Avoid magnesium gluconate, carbonate, sulfate, and oxide as they are poorly absorbed (and the cheapest and most common kind found in supplements.)

Magnesium plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production. Other benefits of magnesium include – blood sugar regulation, anti-inflammatory benefits, migraine prevention, bone health promotion, better sleep support, anxiety reduction.

Vitamin D ( at least 1,000 IUs with K2)

Vitamin D is essential to support proper immune function, gut health, brain health, and hormone balance since it acts as a hormone in the body to regular calcium and phosphorus. While you can get vitamin D from a few food sources like eggs, some dairy products, certain mushrooms, salmon, and fortified foods, the majority of vitamin D comes from the sun.

Brazil Nuts

One brazil nut contains 160% daily recommended allowance of selenium (enough to support the production of thyroid hormones and proteins that protect your thyroid.) Studies have shown that eating 2 brazil nuts a day was just as effective as taking a selenium supplement. Selenium is crucial for many bodily functions, from mood regulation to a healthy inflammation response. Higher levels of selenium have also been linked to enhanced immune function and thyroid health.