Tender chicken, creamy pumpkin sauce, and chunks of roasted pumpkin – This pumpkin chicken curry is the coziest weeknight meal. It is an absolute...
This gluten free chicken fried rice is the perfect quick and easy weeknight meal. It’s done in under 30 minutes and requires only one...
These flourless peanut butter pumpkin muffins are my new favorite fall dessert! Moist pumpkin muffins with pockets of warm melty chocolate and a subtle...
These paleo lettuce wraps are the perfect healthy dinner in under 30 minutes. Plus all you need is one pan so the clean up...
This paleo meatloaf is the ultimate hearty and comforting meal. Plus it’s packed with protein, a handful of wholesome ingredients, and is so easy...
This gluten free chicken milanese with crispy breaded chicken and lemony greens is the perfect light and easy weeknight meal. All you need is...
Homemade sourdough cinnamon raisin english muffins are light, fluffy, and have quickly become my new favorite snack! Sourdough discard and kefir make the perfect...
Chocolate chip cookies are hands down my favorite dessert and when I stopped eating gluten I struggled to find a good one until I...
This roasted cherry tomato sauce is the perfect easy weeknight meal and made with only a handful of wholesome ingredients. It is bursting with...
Packed with cucumber, celery, kale, lemon, ginger, fennel, and green apple – This detox green juice recipe is subtly sweet and so refreshing. It...
Ground turkey, seasonal produce, and a creamy tahini basil sauce – This ground turkey bowl is the perfect easy, nourishing summer meal. Making these...
Fresh seasonal produce, creamy basil dressing, and crunchy greens – this farmers market salad is the perfect addition to any meal. This salad is...